Monday, April 9, 2012

Happy Easter!

Jayden really enjoyed his first Easter egg hunt!

Thursday, April 5, 2012


He is my ultimate reason to be grateful!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

February 29, 2012

I am behind on my gratitude blogs :( I have been so busy with us moving next week. Plus we were gone this past weekend. But I need to catch up!

1. I am thankful for my parents. For an early 30th birthday gift they gave me $ to take a long weekend somewhere. So Ty and I went to Vegas Friday thru Monday. It was nice to get away and be able to sleep in since they watched Jayden for us. But we missed our boy!

2. I am grateful that we are moving. I am so happy to have a place for peace and quiet and privacy! I don't mind that we will be renting, I know our own home is in the future but for now I am happy to have a little place to call home for a while!

3. I am thankful for my in laws allowing us to be in their home for the past year. We might not always see eye to eye on things, but they are good people.

4. I am grateful that my husband loves animals as much as I do. It is so nice to be able to agree on our animals and how we treat them. I feel blessed to be able to pass on that love and passion on to Jayden. He loves his cat and dog. He tries to be a little rough at times but we are fortunate to have patient, loving animals who take his love taps.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16, 2012

1. I am thankful for my girl's nights. I love my son and my husband but it is nice to have some time away with the wonderful ladies in my life!

2. I am grateful that I have been able to get to know Alicia. She is so funny! I love how we talk and laugh like we have known each other for years. Thank you for being a part of my life Alicia!

3. I am thankful for Lisa! I love hearing about her family. She is so devoted and such a good mommy! Conversations are so fun with her! Lisa, I hope we have many years to come of girls nights!

4. Again, I am grateful for my bestie! I am thankful today that she extended the hand of friendship to Lisa and Alicia. I love that the 4 of us have such a great time. Thank you Denae for being so wonderful and bringing these 2 great women into my life!

5. I am thankful for my hubby! Today I am thankful that he encourages me to have time with my girls. Not all men are so understanding and I appreciate that he knows I need some time away every couple weeks.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15, 2012

1. Wednesdays we usually head to my grandma's for a visit. I am so thankful that she is in my life and close enough to visit weekly. I call her daily and since my grandpa has been gone, she has really become attached to Jayden. I feel blessed to have her as a second mom!

2. I am going to say it again, I am grateful for my bestie! Jayden took her flowers to work yesterday for Valentine's day and loved visiting with her. She is do awesome with him! I feel lost if I don't text her throughout the day. She has a piece of my heart always!

3. I am thankful for a warm bed and a heater on this cold night!

4. I am grateful for my struggles for they have made me who I am. I can look in the mirror and be proud of the daughter, wife, mother, friend and woman I have become.

5. I am thankful, period!

Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13, 2012

1. I am thankful for my parents. Ty and I were able to have a deep conversation with them yesterday and I am so glad they are still around to help.

2. I am grateful for Denae. She came over after work and spent time with Jayden and I. I love that Jayden gets so excited when he sees her. It is so great that we can spend hours talking and not run out of things to say.

3. I am thankful for our ability to rent a home and move onward and upward in our lives. I am so excited for our move!

4. I am grateful for our moments together as man and wife. After putting Jayden to bed it is nice to just spend time together talking.

5. I am thankful for all who have crossed my path. Whether you have just walked thru or stayed for a while, you have influenced my life and I thank you for that. I do not regret letting anyone in my life for I am the woman I am because of all of my experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

February 12, 2012

1. I am thankful for my brother. At times in my life it has been difficult having an older brother. He was over protective and in high school when we attended together, it was hard to date because he would threaten some of them. But I love my brother so much and I know why he did those things. I am so fortunate to have such an amazing brother and friend for life!

2. I love our family game nights! We have so much fun playing games and using the Wii for dancing games. It is really nice that Jayden is seeing that family is made a priority. I am thankful we have these times together and pray they continue for years to come.

3. I am thankful my parents take Jayden so Ty and I are able to have some time alone. We were able to have a nice Valentines lunch today. We love our son, but it is really nice to have some time to our selves very once in a while.

4. I am grateful that we are going to be able to rent a home and move in a couple weeks. I am going to be so happy to have a place I can decorate and feel like I have free reign of the place.

5. Though money is tight, I am thankful Ty has a job. So many people are out of work and suffering. It might not be the best job, but it is a job!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

February 9, 2012

1. Today I am thankful for my son, who is 15 months old. I can't believe I brought him home over a year ago, yet it feels like yesterday. I love you Jayden Bobby!

2. I am thankful that doctors don't know everything! I know, sounds odd but let me explain. Doctors told us, after trying for years to get pregnant, that we would not conceive on our own. After fertility meds failed we could do IVF or surrogacy. After discussions we decided to try foster to adopt. We were so blessed that God shined on us and gave us our miracle baby.

3. I am grateful to God for surpassing all understanding and expectation in my life. God has given me so much more than I deserve and I know it is because of his everlasting love that I am here.

4. I am thankful for my son's love of music. Already at his young age he has an appreciation for music and melody. He gets so excited and dances when he hears it. I feel like I have passed on a wonderful love in my life.

February 8, 2012

1. I am grateful for my grandmother. I have developed such a close relationship with her and I couldn't imagine my life without her. Transitioning to motherhood isn't always easy, but I feel so fortunate to have her around to help.

2. I am thankful for my mother. We have always been close, even through the dreaded teen years when she wanted to kill me! :) Our relationship has entered a new stage now that I am a mom. I appreciate her so much more! She sacrificed so much for me and my brother, staying home to raise us. Having been an at home mom for 15 months I know how difficult this is and I thank her for that!

3. I am grateful for my health. I have dealt with illnesses in my life but have be fortunate to come thru it to the other side. I have my days where the pain seems almost unbearable, but I feel lucky that I don't have cancer or a deadly disease for which there is no cure.

4. I am thankful for my life. I have had times where I didn't value it and took for granted all that I have. But looking at the people in my life and the life I have been privileged to lead, I know God has smiled on me.

5. I am grateful for my time I had with my grandfather. I truly felt he was taken too soon. I was angry for a while because he was not able to meet his first great grandchild, his namesake. But as Jayden grows, he recognizes grandpa's picture more and more, and I realize they have met. I know he watches over Jayden and I can't think of any better person to guard my son!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

February 7, 2012

1. I am grateful for a roof over my head on this cold day.

2. I am thankful that I have had the ability to be home with my son for these past 15 months. Though I will have to go to work soon, I cherish the laughter, the tears, the milestones I have witnessed and the love he has showed me.

3. I am grateful we have food to keep us full and we do not have to go without.

4. I am thankful for my friend Jenny. We met when we were 4 and have been friends since. I love how we can go months without talking and pick up right where we left off, neither of us feeling neglected or hurt.

5. I am grateful for my pets. Our 2 dogs and our cat. They show us so much love. Unconditional love.

Thank you Lord for all you have given me!

Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6, 2012

Well, I have decided that I really need to be thankful for all that I have in my life. Sometimes we focus on what we don't have so much that it overshadows the blessings we are given every day. So, as part of a New Year's resolution, I am going to keep a gratitude journal expressing gratefulness for the things I have. So here it goes, what I am grateful for today.

1. My family: My family means everything to me. They have been there for me through thick and thin, they have supported me to the end. Life has not always been a basket of roses, however if you have good people by your side it makes it a little easier. I am so blessed to have a mother, father, brother and extended family that invest so much in me and my life.

2. My friends: Having been in relationships before where I was unable to have friends, it is amazing to me to have the group of friends I have today. My life is so full of wonderful people, some I never thought would be by my side. My girl's nights keep me sane. My daily conversations with my best friend brings me joy and keeps me grounded. I have some friends I don't talk to on a daily basis, but when we do connect it is like we never missed a beat. God has put some amazing people in my life and I am so grateful for them.

3. My husband: I am not going to try to act like my relationship is perfect because no one has a perfect marriage. However, when times get tough, we cling to each other. Our ups and downs are a reminder that we are trying. Of course there are things about him I could live without and vice versa, but the good outweighs the bad and that is what counts. 3 years later, we have a beautiful son, a strong foundation and ultimately love.

4. My son: What can I express about my son? My miracle child, my wonderful little man. He is my joy, my heart, my life. He shows me new things about myself every day. The ability to mold and teach a child was a dream I was told would never come true. Yet, here he is, laughing, walking, playing, throwing things, being a boy! Thank you Jayden for allowing me to feel a love I never thought possible.

5. My best friend: Last, but surely not least, I am thankful for my best friend Denae. I have been friends with Denae for about 4 years now. We have grown closer these past few months and I couldn't be more happy. We text each other all day long! I am even hoping to get a job working with her. Jayden adores her, his little face lights up when she comes in the room! We have joined Weight Watchers together and are getting healthy together. She is my strength, my rock, my confidant, my cheerleader and my sister. Thank you for all that you do Denae!